Not that long ago, I received a pair of comp tickets to a sporting event.
As a former journalist (or street pounder for those familiar with the news
game), when "comps" arrive, you either act on them, or you pass them
on to someone else who may be able to use them. To make a long story short
(for the sake of space), I happened to view the local nightly news, and found
out the 'true agenda' behind the free tickets. It seemed that one of our local
sports franchises was 'doing their bit' for domestic violence. Unfortunately
they didn't bother to circulate that piece of information BEFORE the tickets
went out.
In a firm nutshell, I was so steamed that smoke came out of my ears.
Not only was I irritated about having been 'played', I was further irritated
by the fact that I had neglected a piece of advice, which had been handed down
to me during my formative years: "What is the motive…behind the commotion?"
It's getting so that individuals, corporations, agencies, school corporations
and sports franchises want to 'appear' to be 'working for the common good'
on the social issues of the day. The 'agenda' of the social cause of the moment
continues to be more important than credibility.
I remember reading in a business publication a few months back that it was
considered 'good business' for corporations to rally their employees to volunteer
in the local community (of course--at their own expense) to help make the corporations
look good to--and for--one another.
Of course, if the 'community' got something out of it, then so much the better.
If I were to be even bolder, the 'agenda' has become more important than morals,
truth, humanity, appearance, or even God himself. Yes, even churches and denominations
have tossed biblical doctrine out the window for the sake of 'appearing' like
everyone else. No standards of right and wrong. No need to bother with the
'muss and fuss' of avoiding compromise. Rewrite the Bible if you don't like
it. Let a woman serve as Pastor. Let a homosexual run the denomination. Let
the wife run the home and the husband 'follow her lead'.
The end justifies the means…right?
Brothers, I might as well make it clear right up front without excuse or fear
of public condemnation--I am Christian, African American, male, a former
Talk Show host--and a Rush Limbaugh fan. Of course, this confession may have
led some folk to stop reading my column faster than the 2003 East Coast Blackout.
Cheer up…more ahead.
I don't profess to walk on water nor cause fire to fall from the sky. But
I do believe in accountability, responsibility, faith, the Bible, and working
for your own. Thus I am on the endangered species list of several major chat
groups, the ACLU, the NAACP, the Urban League, and a whole lot of other groups
run, supported, or funded by the 'Limo Liberal' crowd. While I have made this
admission, these groups--and others who have been hammering, squealing, and
harping on the Limbaugh controversy--have one thing in common.
Their boots are on their way.
Let me drop a 'truth nugget' on you. WHEN it comes time for these groups--or
the individuals who run these groups--to go through their own minefield of
public exposure, expect them to beg for mercy, tolerance, understanding, and
*Such as when their kids/teens get kicked out of school for drug use--again!
*Such as when their daughters turn up getting 'turned out' by a trusted someone.
*Such as when their wives get busted for DUI.
*Such as when their husbands get caught in a compromising position.
*Such as when their third-fourth-or fifth marriage breaks up.
Mark the critics well who come out of the woodwork for this first class Limbaugh
beat down. The same ones who hold those fancy fundraiser luncheons, dinners,
and mail outs asking folk like me to contribute to the 'cause' of keeping us
'free' from racism, sexism, SUVs, ozone, unemployment, and a host of other
perceived ailments that could not be listed here for the sake of space. Oh,
and the same ones who will 'stuff the seats' to 'appear' to 'have the public'
on the 'side' of their 'agenda'.
Some of the same ones who also work in the same industry and KNOW of the dirt
regularly practiced by the likes of other 'bad boys' and 'bad girls' of the
silver screen and the recording studio. Some of them are even--dare I say it--African-American!
So, let me get this straight…IF someone who dares to point out the social ills
of the day, or the lack or morals, or the absence of common sense, or the abdication
of responsibility is caught in a transgression (or otherwise is caught being
human), their advice is not to be heeded? It is all right to crucify them?
It is all right to label them as 'dogs'? Or, do we remember our OWN failings
and humanity?
No, too many of us do not. We would rather shoot the messenger. Easier that
way and those who may be 'offended' can keep on--keeping on!
Let's break it down. If someone shoved a microphone and/or TV camera in the
face of your ex-wife, former employer, or former girlfriends and asked for
an honest portrait of you…do you think you'd get a fair trial?
If you were honest, you'd have to answer a loud NO!
MY enemies (and I do have them) have a line out the door, and around the block.
Some of them bring champagne and lawn chair each and every time I am involved
in controversy. However, when the controversy is over, my enemies count on
my sense of fair play to overlook their transgressions and shortcomings when
it is their turn to wallow in the swamps of Real Life 101.
You see...I've been through enough battles of life to realize the truth behind
the statement "God Don't Like Ugly". I also remember another saying
from our distant past: "Never kick a man when he's down!"
In other words, if YOU kick someone when they are down, don't be shocked when
a set of boots comes looking for your backside when it's YOUR turn up for public
debate and inspection. That's what I meant by the title of this column. Folk
that are quick to 'write off' Rush Limbaugh in his problems are setting themselves
up for overnight delivery of a pair of size 15 double Es.
What goes around--truly--DOES come around. We EACH will have enemies in life.
As sure as I am writing--mark and underline this--a man WILL have enemies.
The central question remains. Does the fact that one has, or will have enemies
force one to halt their life, aim low and give in to compromise to appease
the crowd, OR do you suck it up, sail on, and continue to aim high?
A lot of Rush's enemies are mad at him for fessing up, instead of covering
up. They are also irritated at the fact that he is still going to continue
to aim high.
Brothers, the REAL battle in the Limbaugh controversy--in my view--is for
the control of the individual's right to continue to aim high. To stand for
good, honest, moral and right things, though one has had to learn the lessons
of life from bad consequences.
Some of them may have surfaced by our own actions.
In truth, people--some of them who are public figures, and some of them who
are family members--WILL come up short, day after day. In truth, it should
fire us all the more to strive for the best in living our lives from sunup
to sundown.
Some of us have screwed up. But, will we have the courage to get up, face
the consequences, and still aim high? That IS one of the qualifications of
true manhood.
However, let me put this question on the table: Brothers, what's in YOUR closet?
Now, Rush didn't have to go on the air and admit to anything, nor did he have
to take time off and check himself into rehab. He could have imitated his critics,
'stuck' with silence, and avoided the woodshed. Matter of fact, he could have
had fellow broadcasters come out and 'excuse' his problems and shortcomings.
Nope. He took his butt whipping and is paying a BIG price. In biblical terms--he
quit himself as--a MAN! Rest assured--Rush will be back--bigger than ever,
in my opinion.
How can I say that? Simple. He's been through something. And, brothers, we
ALL know that it is the man who has been through something who--if he has learned
the lesson--makes for an even better teacher.
He's accepted--his boots.