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Total Living Network Operation Ten:
Free Book Covers for Students

by Debra M. Hall
Chicago, Illinois

As students prepare to return to school this fall, the Total Living Network created a stunning cover for textbooks. What makes the Operation Ten book cover so outstanding is that it features the Ten Commandments rewritten in Modern English and uplifting quotes from well-known achievers. The cover uses such dynamic words in the hope that they will serve as a daily reminder to encourage its users to "do the right thing." The cover's text can certainly motivate students to realize their dreams, to excel, and use the commandments as a guide--a moral compass if you will. 

According to Kevin Hoeft, an education policy analyst for the Family Research Council, he wrote an article entitled "The Ten Commandments Belong in Schools." In that article he wrote, "Every state should promote the moral development of its students...every student has the right to view and reflect upon what may be the most influential document of all time." Note: The Family Research Council launched its own Ten Commandments book cover project and distributed nearly 200,000 book covers.

"I view the Ten Commandments as history's value statements. They're certainly universally accepted," stated former CEO of the Chicago Public Schools, Paul G. Vallas who supported the distribution of the Operation Ten book cover last August.

Jerry K. Rose, president of the Total Living Network first launched the Operation Ten book cover project August 16, 2000. To date, more than 250,000 free book covers have been distributed to students nationwide.

This year, Mr. Rose envisions an even larger distribution and that's where the visitors to come in--you can be a part of the 2001 distribution efforts that will begin August 2001.

To take part in the 2001 Operation Ten distribution or order book covers for the youth in your community, please email Debra M. Hall to sign up. In the meantime, visit the Total Living Network or click here for more data about the Total Living Network and Operation Ten.

Debra M. Hall is Manager of Public Relations and Special Events for the Total Living Network. has teamed with TLN and the Operation Ten Book Cover Project. We encourage churches, schools, pastors, youth groups and all of you who are concerned about today’s youth to support this effort. Keep checking for more information and contact, Debra Hall to see how you can become involved.

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