God Has Already Worked It Out; We Must Walk It Out!
Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee. Genesis 13:17
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Phil 3:14
I offer some helps to keep you walking to the prize.
Let’s reason together about the prize of the future.
Are you keeping the prize, the end, the vision in your daily view? Are you
using your spiritual eyes to ‘see’ the prize, the end, the vision?
If so, what do you see? What does your environment look like?
In looking forward, are the values important to you reflected in your overall business operations including the product or service offered, office space, work hours, work policies and processes, clients/customers, colleagues, internal and external meetings, associations, networks, personal, social and recreational life and anything else that would be included in your business and be directly or indirectly affected by it? How do you feel? Are you energized? Are you fulfilled? Are you helping others be energized and fulfilled?
Speaking of values, have you identified the values that are important to you? Be sure, this is a critical step in walking to the prize of the future. Why? It is a critical step because it is all about seed, time, and harvest. What you seed now, and at your set time, will be your harvest of the future. Because you want the prize, you want to be sure that what you are seeding will reap a prize and not the opposite, something undesirable.
In practicality, the sooner you know your values and keep them in front of you, the easier it will be to determine whether you are on the right path and in the right company of collaborators and supporters. It is important to know your values and pursue them so that you can be assured that you are continually on a path of seeing them manifest in your daily life whether it is of a business or personal nature. (I will briefly share that the values that are most important to me are faith, true economic freedom*, order, truth, clarity, balance, sharing and support. I’ve found that since I started to present my body and mind to God on a daily basis, I am being consistently removed from activities and people that do not line up with these values and; truly, it is well! Not just with my soul but for my good!)
How the actions of the now are necessary in order to get ‘there’
In walking to the prize of the future, are you completing the necessary actions
of the now required to get you to the prize?
Even though it is important to see the end from the beginning, it is also important to be sure that you are doing something every day to move to the end. Sometimes we focus on and get so excited about what the end will be, that we get stuck trying to get there.
Purposed daily choices, decisions and actions based upon the big picture, vision and including your values will lessen the time needed to continuously regroup and backtrack. Purposely surround yourself with collaborators that will keep you in the now as you move to the prize of the future. Check in with them on a regular basis for an accountability session. Set ‘marks’ or targets of what you want or need to complete within the next 10 days, schedule them in your manual or electronic calendar and use reminders to get your attention to follow up and through. Then, be sure to complete something each day that moves you closer to the prize of the future. Celebrate your successes—reaching the marks or targets. You decide what the celebrations will be in advance in order to motivate you to completion.
God has given us wonderful promises in and through His Word.
Genesis 13:17 says to me that if I arise, get up, walk, move forward through
the land, the vision, that He has worked out for me in its fullness, then
I will possess it because He has already set it aside for me only.
Philippians 3:14 says to me that I must press, pursue with determination,
through to the targets that will eventually get me to the prize, the end that
I have been called out to do.
I heard a TV Evangelist say many years ago, many are called, few are chosen;
the chosen show up! Show up to collect your prize. Along with Jesus, the prize
is at the end waiting for you!
*True economic freedom—being able to determine how I spend my time and choose the place, products and services that I need and want and can share with others because the finances are consistently available. Please refer to, The Genius of Networking, originally posted on www.blackandchristian.com in April, 2005, currently in the archives section, for a more thorough discussion of true economic freedom.
The next topic will be Are You Headed in the Right Direction?
Bonita M.W. Shelby is a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Business Manager. A graduate of Howard University, Ms. Shelby is a member of Jericho City of Praise and a Breast Cancer survivor. She helped establish the Howard University Hospital Breast Cancer Support Group. Ms. Shelby is the principal and business life coach of Kingdom Business, Inc. Responses are encouraged and for more information, I invite you to visit our website for a FREE Business Vision assessment at: www.kingdombusiness.biz/ or email us at help@kingdombusiness.biz or call 301-445-0398. Visit our website for information on a new initiative—BECOME DEBT FREE!!!
Copyright© 2005 by Bonita M.W. Shelby, Used by permission, BlackandChristian.com