False teachers have always blemished the church. The false teachers in the Ephesians Church did not believe Jesus was really human. They contradicted Scripture while appearing to be self-disciplined and guard their motives, be faithful to God and his Word, and live commendable lives (as with all Christians). A false teacher can easily be detected, if the teacher's message differs from the truths of God's Word (the Bible).
"Faith Is Worth Its Weight In Gold"
As Paul sat in the Roman prison, he prepares (while meditating) to write this letter. They had taken all his possessions, taken away his churches, taken away his future, for he was sentenced to die.
What do you have left Paul to show for your life? If only you have a stayed a Jew in Jerusalem, you would have a seat of status and a house of retirement. If you only had been a little more compromising, you might have gone unnoticed by the Romans. If you would have been less passionate, you might have pastored one church and stayed in one city. But you were too convicted to compromise and to convicted to stay home. So, now Paul, with the verdict rendered and the end in sight what do you have left?
Christians must guard against deceit by knowing what the scripture teaches. If you listen to their teaching, feed on what they say, you're taking the devil’s poison into your lives. Thousands of people in every walk of life are being deceived everyday. They prey on men and women whose spiritual foundation is weak. These teachers have departed from the faith of God revealed in the Scriptures.
Christians are always in close combat. There is a war going on in our members, it must be kept under control. For those who are conquerors in these games are crowned with a crown that fadeth away, but Christians have an incorruptible crown in view, should exert themselves in beating down their fleshly inclinations. "Ye did run well, who hath hindered you." A preacher of salvation may yet miss it; he may show others the way to heaven and never get there himself.
Bishop Jimmie Beard Jr., is Pastor of Praise and Deliverance Outreach Ministries, in Henning, TN. The opinions expressed are those of the author and are used by permission.