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empty Posted November 2000
Rev Clay Evans It Is No Secret What God Can Do
By Rev Clay Evans

This is an article of Praise to what you are doing and I want to encourage you to keep on keeping on. I would like to let you know that August 24, 25, 26, 2000 I was conducting Revival in my home town of Brownsville, Tennessee and my cousin Angela Watkins from Henning, Tennessee prepared dinner for me and the best Egg Pie that you have ever eaten. My cousin gave me a tour of the Internet and all I could say was my, my, my. I was so excited and she pointed me to your website and I want you to continue to follow the Lord's commands. I would like to give All Praises to God.

Secondly, I would like to share a little background with you about me. I am the Reverend Clay Evans, son of A. Henry and Estanualy Evans (my mother and Angela Watkins great grandmother were sisters), was born June 23, 1925 in Brownsville, TN. I am a Radio and Television Minister who reaches more than ten (10) states each week, and I have been happily married to Lutha Mae Hollinshed over fifty years; and we are the proud parents of five children.

I was Ordained as a Baptist Minister in 1950, and I am the Founder and Pastor of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago, Illinois and this year I will be stepping down after 50 years and I wish you could be at this glorious event to see the new pastor, Rev. Charles Jenkins,  take over. You see, make your self available--I have been responsible for helping launch the ministerial careers of 93 persons, including 6 female ministers. I have been active in the Civil Rights Movement since 1965. I am also the Founding National Board Chairman of Operation P.U.S.H (now Rainbow PUSH)  for five years and currently serve as Chairman Emeritus. I am Founding President of the Broadcast Ministers Alliance of Chicago; Founding President of the African American Religious Connection; Trustee and Board Chairman of the Chicago Baptist Institute and a Board member of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

The door is always open for you to visit Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago. We are known as "The Ship" and we truly give God the Praises for all He has done. I am a man of Faith, a Man with a Vision who emphatically believes, "It's No Secret What God Can Do." I have established a Scholarship Fund that I set up to help "C" Average Students. We give three scholarships in Brownsville and one in Chicago each year. My Vision is when I have passed off the scene that The Clay Evans Scholarship Fund will be there to continue to help young people in need.  The good work that the Scholarship Fund does is so worthwhile and important to the children in Tennessee and Illinois; and hopefully we are looking at expanding to other areas.

I would like to make an appeal to website owners and business people to offer yourself to your local communities, hospital, school and civic groups as a fund raiser yourself. Keep in mind that those who act as fund raisers for charities are often expected to do so on a volunteer basis, but this is a great way to gain experience, make valuable contacts and build your reputation. In 1998 alone, 60,000 individuals and non-profit organizations applied for grants. Fund-Raising is a natural way to enrich the lives of others. Check out your local newspaper in the calendar section for groups raising money for needy causes. Contact them and ask them about their needs; let them know that you can help. Be sure to send a thank you letter and be sure to call if any concerns need to be taken care of afterwards. Always ask the organization for a letter of recommendation. This is a great way for you to give back to your communities and gain valuable experience in the process.

If you would like to support the Clay Evans Scholarship Fund and would like more information write me at the address below or email me at or Angela Watkins at

God Bless you, you and you.

Rev. Clay Evans
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, "The Ship" 
45th Place and Princeton Avenue
Chicago, IL 60609

On Friday, December 8, 2000, in the International Ballroom of the Chicago Hilton & Towers Hotel, family, friends and well-wishers and all of the ministerial elite will gathered to salute Rev. Evans in a Retirement Dinner.

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