BlackandChristian Featured Books 2002
January 2002
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Clayborne Carson
February 2002
Fortress Introduction to Black Church History Anne H. Pinn, Anthony B. Pinn
March 2002
No More Sheets: My Accident Juanita Bynum
April 2002
The Original African Heritage Study Bible Cain Hope Felder
May 2002
Beyond Greens and Cornbread: Reflections on African American Christian Identity Diane Givens Moffett
June 2002
Rock of Ages: A Tribute to the Black Church Tonya BoldenIllustrated: R. Gregory Christie
July 2002
What Makes You So Strong?Sermons of Joy and Strength Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
August 2002
Black Churches In Texas:A Guide To Historic Congregations Clyde McQueen
September 2002
An Encyclopedia of African American Christian Heritage Marvin McMickle
October 2002
November 2002
Heart & Head: Black Theology Past, Present and Future Dwight Hopkins
December 2002
What Can Happen When We Pray: A Daily Devotional Jeremiah A., Jr. Wright