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December 2001
Matthew's Account of the Birth of Jesus
from Eugene H. Peterson's THE MESSAGE
November 2001
The Word Increases... The Disciples Multiply
Rev. Dr. Luther Blackwell
October 2001
The Days of Our Lives
Rev. Clarence W. Davis
September 2001
Grief and Grace (Nehemiah 8: 9-10)
Rev. Clarence W. Davis
August 2001
A Crown of Righteousness: If You Keep The Faith
Bishop Jimmie Beard, Jr.
July 2001
I Must
Rev. Clarence W. Davis s
June 2001
Satan's Biggest Lies
Rev. Dr. S. Stewart Poullard
May 2001
Tradition Killed Christ
Rev. Dr. S. Stewart Poullard
April 2001
"Lawd. Lawd, I Been Good"
Rev. Dr. S. Stewart Poullard
March 2001
People Of Color In The Bible (Part 3 - Cyrene)
Rev. Robert Ash
February 2001
People Of Color In The Bible (Part 2 - Ethiopia)
Rev. Robert Ash
January 2001
People Of Color In The Bible (Part 1 - Egypt)
Rev. Robert Ash
December 2001
The Perfect Gift
Ty Moody
December 2001
A Personal Odyssey in Discovery of Jesus
Rev. Dr. Paula W. Matabane
November 2001
Artificial Flowers
Robin M. Caldwell
October 2001
An Open Letter to Pastors and Ministry Leaders
Dr. Luther James Blackwell, Jr.
September 2001
Using the Acts Model for Christian Education Ministry
Rev. Jerome Council
August 2001
Thy Will Be Done: A Self-Evaluation
Rev. Thelma Chambers-Young, Ph. D.
July 2001
Operation Ten: Free Book Covers for Students
Debra M. Hall
June 2001
Celebrating Father of the Year
Angela Watkins
May 2001
Celebration of Mother's Day
Angela Watkins
April 2001
Lovers Lane 101:
Easter Eggs, Bunny Rabbits, Passover and Easter
Angela Watkins
March 2001
Tomb of Disciples of Jesus Christ Discovered
Angela Watkins
February 2001
Use of Computers & Other High Technology
Audio/Visual Resources:
Effective Tools To Facilitate Christian Ministry
Rev. Jerome Council
January 2001
The Millennium Warrior Unworthy of Press
Valorie M. Taylor
December / November 2001
The Changing Face of Religion:
The Suburbanization of the Black Church
Jacqueline Trussell
President, BlackandChristian.com
October 2001
A Different Gospel: A Scriptural Look at Womanist Theology
Rev. Robert Ash
September 2001
Womanist Theology, A New Paradigm (Part 3)
Linda E. Thomas
August 2001
A New Black Heterosexual Male (Part 3)
Rev. Dr. Dwight N. Hopkins
July 2001
A New Black Heterosexual Male (Part 2)
Rev. Dr. Dwight N. Hopkins
June 2001
A New Black Heterosexual Male (Part 1)
Rev. Dr. Dwight N. Hopkins
May 2001
Womanist Theology (Part 2)
Rev. Dr. Linda E. Thomas
March 2001
Womanist Theology (Part 1)
Rev. Dr. Linda E. Thomas
February 2001
Making Religion Relevant:
"What does it mean to be BlackandChristian?"
Jacqueline Trussell
President, BlackandChristian.com
January 2001
Standing On Big Shoulders: The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Jacqueline Trussell
President, BlackandChristian.com
November 2001
Walking in Faith and
Jacqueline Trussell
President, BlackandChristian.com